Conoce más información Real Experience in Solar Panel Services. TOTAL ENERGY SOLUTIONS Energy Generated from Natural Resources. Renewable Energy Epecialists. Energy Generation. Investing in Clean Energy Solutions. Proven Renewable and Affordable Energy. Manageable, Reliable
We Help to Move the World.

Welcome to
Total Energy Solutions


We are a company made up of renewable energy specialists, with more than 10 years of experience. We have more than 1000 residential, industrial, commercial, and solar farm projects internationally.

The mission at Total Enery Solutions, is to exceed client expectations with results that come from the expertise and constant innovation of the company.

We offer quality in each of our projects

The products that we use are certified as the best in the world (TIER 1).

26% Federal tax credit available.

No State tax that is paid on solar.

American homeowners pay off the cost of solar panels within a decade.

Add value to your home.

Help the environment.

Save money on bills.

25 Year Warranty.


We stay current with the latest applications and solar energy technologies

Through solar panels, we transform solar energy into electricity so that you can use it in your home or business.

The use of solar energy helps take care of our planet as it is one of the most efficient renewable energies, it allows you to generate energy at a very low cost, saving on your electricity bill.

Our Process


Study of your current energy consumption.


We carry out the projection of required panels and the savings that this will represent for you.


We install the necessary equipment according to the type of project.

Begin saving on your electricity bills

We Offer Proven Renewable
Energy Solutions

Our Services

We have more than 1000 projects internationally.

We give you the best experience
solar panel services

Contact Us

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use one of the addresses listed below.

Electronic Contact

After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your project in further detail.

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